THE #1 COMMUNITY FOR Real Estate Appraisers


with Proven Tactics, Strategies, Systems, Software, and a Community

The Appraiser Insider Mastermind is a mentorship and peer advisory mastermind for successful real estate appraisers looking to systemize their business, diversify into more non-lender work, master marketing, and leverage AI.

THE #1 COMMUNITY FOR GRowing a real estate appraisal business


with Proven Tactics, Strategies, and Systems

The Appraiser Insider Mastermind is a mentorship and peer advisory mastermind for successful real estate appraisers looking to systemize their business, diversify into more non-lender work, master marketing, and leverage AI.



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Thousands of happy customers worldwide

Let me ask you...

  • Is Your Appraisal Business in Crisis Due to Vanishing Lender Work?

  • Has the lender well run dry, leaving you scrambling for revenue?

  • Are you facing an existential threat to your appraisal practice right now?

  • Is the lack of a strategic plan making your business future look bleak?

If you're nodding 'Yes' and feeling the weight of these questions, you're not alone—and immediate help is available.

Dominate Your Local Market

When someone in your local market searches for an appraiser in your area, do you show up in the top of the search results? 

Are you the top rated appraiser in your area?

If not, do you want to be?

What would your business look like if:

  • You had a website that educated your visitors and designed to drive people to take action

  • You had a system for collecting managing reviews

  • Your list of prospects was growing every month

  • Your new contacts automatically get educated about your services and how they can work with you

Dear Fellow Appraiser,

I'm Roy Meyer, the architect behind the Appraiser Insider Mastermind, and I have a game-changing proposition for you: Revitalize your appraisal business with cutting-edge AI and proven marketing and diversification strategies, even in today's volatile market.

What Price Are You Paying for Lost Time?

Time is more than a ticking clock; it's the currency of your life. Every moment spent on low-yield tasks or fretting about an uncertain future is a moment you'll never get back.

In my quarter-century in this industry, I've discovered two golden rules that separate thriving appraisers from those barely scraping by:

  • High-Value Focus: The elite concentrate on lucrative tasks that significantly elevate their income.

  • Smart Diversification: They diversify their business model, ensuring both financial stability and personal freedom.

Are You a Visionary Leader or a Trapped Technician?

The cornerstone of a robust, profitable appraisal business is working ON your strategy, not just IN your daily tasks. Yet, many appraisers are ensnared in a short-term profit cycle, neglecting the visionary planning crucial for enduring success.

And let's be candid: It's not your fault. The industry is a maze of regulations, rapid technological shifts, and unpredictable markets, all designed to keep you on the defensive.

The AI Advantage: Our Game-Changer

We're the only program that leverages AI to expedite your business growth and diversification. Imagine automating complex tasks, optimizing your marketing, and making data-driven decisions at the click of a button. That's the power of AI, and it's a cornerstone of our program.

My Journey from Peril to Prosperity

When the 2008 financial meltdown shook the real estate world, I had two choices: adapt or fade away. I chose transformation. I sought wisdom from global marketing and tech pioneers and pivoted to non-lender-centric models. The outcome? A resilient, lucrative business that laughs in the face of market volatility.

Since that pivot, I've guided countless appraisers across the U.S. to turn their fragile businesses into fortresses of profit.

Your Pathway Out of Chaos

It's time to escape the "feast or famine" nightmare. Armed with AI and our proven strategies, you can construct a rock-solid, high-earning appraisal business that defies market whims.

The most transformative secret I've unearthed? That's a revelation I'm eager to share with you directly.

Join the Appraiser Insider Mastermind

What Sets the Appraiser Insider Mastermind Group Apart?

You may have heard of Mastermind groups, thanks to Napoleon Hill's timeless book, "Think and Grow Rich." But what elevates our Appraiser Mastermind Group to an unparalleled league?

Exclusive Benefits You Won't Find Anywhere Else:

  • Track Record of 7-Figure Success: Our program isn't just theory; it's proven. Multiple members have sold their appraisal businesses for multiple 7 figures in the past few years alone.

  • AI-Driven Growth: We're the only Appraiser Mastermind leveraging Artificial Intelligence to accelerate your business growth and diversification.

  • Virtual Assistant Mastery: Under my guidance, Roy Meyer—the industry's leading authority on scaling with virtual assistants—you'll learn how to amplify your productivity without ballooning costs.

  • Collaborative Excellence: Engage with a curated group of top-performing appraisers committed to mutual growth and problem-solving.

  • Expert Insights: Leverage the collective wisdom of the group for invaluable advice, industry connections, and resource sharing.

  • Accountability & Momentum: Experience peer-to-peer mentorship and accountability that propels your business growth exponentially.

  • Strategic Clarity: Receive actionable insights on your next steps and how to execute them effectively.

  • Proven Marketing Techniques: Access battle-tested marketing strategies specifically tailored for the appraisal industry.

  • Cut the Fluff: We focus solely on strategies that deliver results, helping you avoid the misinformation that plagues our industry.

Why This Mastermind Exists

After years of helping appraisers elevate their businesses through strategic outsourcing and effective marketing, the demand for a more personalized, accelerated growth strategy became overwhelming.

That's why I created this specialized Mastermind group. It's for appraisers who are done with being stuck and are ready to build the resilient, profitable appraisal business they've always dreamed of.

6 Transformative Benefits of Joining the Appraiser Insider Mastermind

  • 1. Skyrocket Your Customer Base
    Network with like-minded, successful appraisers and learn from their triumphs and trials. Our community is a goldmine of insights that can help you attract more clients than ever before.

  • 2. Amplify Your Earnings
    Take the reins of your business and boost your bottom line by diversifying into non-lender work. We provide you with actionable strategies that have a proven track record of increasing income.

  • 3. Elevate Your Quality of Life
    Our Mastermind isn't just about business; it's about building a life you love. With more income and a stable business, you'll enjoy a higher quality of life, both personally and professionally.

  • 4. Stay Ahead with Cutting-Edge Marketing
    Gain exclusive access to the latest "what's working now" marketing strategies and tactics. We keep you ahead of the curve, ensuring you outperform your competition.

  • 5. Leverage Cross-Industry Innovations
    Learn how to adapt successful strategies from other industries to give your appraisal business a unique edge. We bring you the best of what's working elsewhere to set you apart in your field.

  • 6. Harness the Power of AI and Virtual Assistants
    We're the only program that integrates Artificial Intelligence and the option of using Virtual Assistants into your business strategy. Streamline operations, automate complex tasks, and free up your time to focus on what truly matters.

  • Bonus: Curated Knowledge from High-Level Masterminds
    I invest thousands of dollars monthly in education, training, and elite Masterminds. I distill the most valuable insights and strategies from these experiences to bring you nothing but the best.

What's Inside the Appraiser Insider Mastermind?

When you join our exclusive community, you're not just enrolling in a program—you're unlocking a comprehensive suite of resources designed to supercharge your appraisal business. Here's a snapshot of the transformative benefits that await you:

📅 Bi-Monthly Mastermind Deep-Dives
Participate in two Mastermind sessions each month, each tailored to tackle your most pressing challenges. Whether you specialize in residential or commercial appraisal, these sessions are your collaborative platform for brainstorming solutions and strategies. Plus, you'll have access to session recordings for anytime review.

🎥 Continually Updated Training Library
We're always adding new recorded training on a variety of topics to keep you at the forefront of the industry. Stay informed on the latest strategies and marketing techniques with our ever-expanding library of content.

🌐 Mastering Outsourcing & Virtual Assistants
Receive ongoing training and resources on how to effectively onboard and manage virtual assistants. Learn the art of delegation and focus on high-value activities that will elevate your business to new heights.

🤖 AI-Powered Business Transformation (Exclusive!)
We're the only Mastermind that focuses on leveraging Artificial Intelligence in your appraisal business. Automate complex tasks, optimize your workflow, and stay ahead of the industry curve with our AI-centric strategies.

🤝 Active Community & Resource Sharing

Our private Facebook group serves as a vibrant hub for networking, resource sharing, and Q&A between Mastermind calls. Stay connected and get real-time support from your peers and mentors.

🛠️ Private Membership Site

All our training, Mastermind session recordings, and resources are hosted on a secure, members-only website, making it easy for you to access valuable content whenever you need it.

Master Next-Level Marketing Strategies to Dominate Your Market

🎯 Craft an On-Demand Lead Generation Engine

Learn the secrets to building a lead generation system that delivers high-quality prospects whenever you need them. Say goodbye to dry spells and hello to a consistent pipeline.

🌐 Elevate Your Online Presence to Magnet Status

Discover how to create an irresistible online persona that makes you the go-to appraiser in your market. Increase your visibility and attract more clients with a compelling digital footprint.

📣 Transform Customers into Your Personal Brand Ambassadors

Unlock the formula for turning satisfied customers into raving fans who can't wait to refer you. Amplify your reach through word-of-mouth marketing that actually works.

🛡️ Establish Unshakeable Trust and Authority

Learn how to build a reputation so strong that qualified prospects will seek you out. Become the trusted authority in your field, making it easier to close deals and grow your business.

🏆 Seize the Competitive Edge and Own Your Local Market

Gain the tools to outperform your competitors and become the dominant appraiser in your local area. Learn strategies that give you an unbeatable advantage, making you the obvious choice for clients.

Exclusive Access to Our Vibrant Facebook Community

🌐 24/7 Peer Support and Resource Sharing

As a Mastermind member, you gain entry to our highly active, members-only Facebook group. This isn't just a social media page; it's a dynamic community where you can interact with like-minded appraisers, share invaluable resources, and get your burning questions answered—anytime, day or night.

🤝 Collaborate with Success-Driven Appraisers

Engage with a network of non-competitive, growth-focused appraisers who are actively scaling their businesses. This is a community where everyone is invested in YOUR success, offering insights and support that can propel your business to new heights.

Is the Appraiser Insider Mastermind Right for You?

Our Mastermind is designed for ambitious appraisers who are ready to accelerate their business growth and elevate their lifestyle. If you're committed to making a meaningful impact—not just in your own business but also in the lives of your fellow members—then you're in the right place.

This is for you if...

  • You're Committed to Business Excellence

  • You're willing to work "ON" your business, not just in it.

  • You understand that excuses won't drive success, but actionable strategies will.

  • You're not just here for yourself; you're an active participant in the success journey of every member.

  • You're focused on the long game

  • You recognize the importance of strategizing for the future, not just reacting to the present.

  • You're ready to work on the bigger picture, starting now.

Important Notice: What the Appraiser Insider Mastermind Is NOT

  • Our Mastermind is not a one-on-one coaching service, a marketing agency, or a quick fix to overnight success. This is a program for those who are committed to putting in the work, collaborating with peers, and strategically growing their business over time.

Your Membership ROI: Exceptional Value, Real Results

When you join our elite community, you're not just signing up for a program—you're making a strategic investment in your future success. Here's what sets our Mastermind apart:

🛠️ Proven Strategies and Real-World Tactics

Access battle-tested strategies and hands-on training that have been proven to work in the appraisal industry. We equip you with the tools you need to excel.

🌐 Unrestricted Access to Premium Resources

We hold nothing back. From industry connections to invaluable resources, you'll have access to the best of the best to supercharge your business growth.

No Theory… Just Proven Marketing Tactics & Strategies That Our Mastermind Members Are Having Success With TODAY

Next Steps:

Step 1: Complete Your Application

Click the "APPLY NOW" button below to fill out your Mastermind Application and take the first step toward transforming your appraisal business.

Step 2: Schedule Your Discovery Call

We'll arrange a one-on-one call to discuss your goals, assess your needs, and determine if the Mastermind is the right fit for you.

Step 3: Join the Mastermind

Once approved, you'll officially become a member of our exclusive Mastermind group, gaining access to a wealth of resources and expertise.

Step 4: Unlock Your Member Benefits

Instantly access our private Members Area and join our vibrant Facebook community to start benefiting from peer support and expert guidance.

Apply for the Appraiser Mastermind

Please fill out the application below:

Meet Roy: The Appraisal Industry's Change Agent for Business and Lifestyle Success

Roy is a change agent in the appraisal industry, with a track record of transforming businesses and lifestyles. His 35+ years of experience make him the go-to expert for anyone looking to scale their business, leverage cutting-edge technology, and design a life they love.

Why Listen to Roy?

  • Industry Consultant: Roy has advised several of the top appraisal software companies making him an insider with a pulse on the industry's future.

  • AI Pioneer: No one in the appraisal industry is as focused or well-versed in leveraging AI for business success as Roy.

  • Virtual Team Maestro: Recognized as the leading expert in virtual assistant and outsourcing within the appraisal industry, Roy knows how to scale businesses efficiently.

  • Lifestyle-First Philosophy: Roy's approach goes beyond business metrics; he helps you align your business to serve your ideal lifestyle.

  • Global Thought Leader: An international speaker and educator, Roy has shared his wisdom at prestigious business schools and colleges worldwide.

What Can Roy Do For You?

If you're seeking to eliminate guesswork, forecast profits, and accelerate your business growth, Roy's proven strategies are your roadmap to success. He'll guide you in harnessing the power of AI and virtual teams to maximize both profits and time efficiency.

Roy's Approach

Roy's methods are straightforward, results-driven, and backed by years of success in building and optimizing businesses. He's committed to sharing the best of his real-world experience to help you achieve tangible results—and enjoy the journey.

Living the Dream

Roy practices what he preaches. Since 2017, he and his family have been globetrotting while maintaining thriving businesses. His mission? To help you achieve the same level of freedom.

Giving Back

Beyond business, Roy is a dedicated philanthropist, investing both time and resources into causes that resonate with his values.

Apply to Join the Appraiser Insider Mastermind

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